A - Engine
Engines carry a conditional warranty* for a period of 90 Days from the date of purchase. Warranty applies to parts only and does not cover the cost of labor. Engines are guaranteed in good operating condition with reasonable limits of specification as stated by the sellers (i.e. oil pressure, compression and oil consumption). The warranty does not cover any damage caused by oil leaks, blown head gasket or any other engine damage due to overheating caused by poor water circulation, clogged radiator, stuck thermostat or a faulty water pump. Loss caused by any modification or use of the engine for which it was not originally designed. The engine if it is used for competitive driving or racing. Accessories such as water pump, fuel pump, distributor carburetor, fuel injection and exhaust manifold are left on Engine for customer convenience only and are not covered by warranty. In order to qualify for warranty THE ENGINE MAIN SEAL, WATER PUMP, OIL AND FILTER must be changed prior to installation and every 3000 KM. Warranty is void if Engine installed wrong or incorrectly, damaged, defaced or carries any markings and is not deemed to be in sell-able condition. All V-tech, turbo charged, and super charged items, including and not limited to engines and transmissions carry a conditional warranty for a period of 30 Days from the date of purchase.
B - Transmission
Transmissions carry a conditional warranty* for a period of 90 Days from the date of purchase, Warranty applies to parts only and does not cover the cost of labor. Transmissions are granted function assemblies. Warranty doesn’t cover any damage caused by competitive driving or racing. Loss caused by any modification or use of Transmission for which it was not originally designed. To validate warranty front and rear seals, oil filter and oil pan Gasket must be changed prior to installation and the Transmission oil cooler must also be flushed, all fluids must be changed and meet manufacture’s specification. Warranty is void if Transmission installed wrong or incorrectly, damaged, defaced or carries any markings and is not deemed to be in sell-able condition.
C - New After Market Parts
There is no warranty for new aftermarket parts (for more details ask one of our sales representatives).
D-All recycled airbags and seatbelts sold”AS IS”. Recycled airbags are not tested by Mega City Recycling & Auto Parts Inc. to meet any safety standards and are not liable for any malfunction airbags and seatbelts.
A-15 Day return policy
All returns must be made with 15 days from the day of purchase, The original sales receipt must accompany all returns; returns without the original sales receipt will not be accepted. All items must be returned in original packaging**. A 25% restocking fee will apply to all returns. Refunds are not applicable to Cash/Check/Visa/Master Card/ Debit/ or American Express payments. All returns will be given an in-store credit. Items purchase online via our web site/ eBay/ Yahoo or any other form of internet style auctions will be given an in-store credit and may be subject to certain fees (e.g. listing fees, etc...). Any such charges are sole discretion of Mega City Recycling & Auto parts Inc. All shipping*** costs are sole responsibility of the customer. Items returned via courier must be packaged and returned accordingly. No refund for Shipping, Deposit is not refundable.
* Repair or exchanges will not extend this limited warranty. This limited warranty is in lieu of any all other expressed warranties of Mega City Recycling & Auto Parts Inc. Any warranty implied is limited to the duration of this limited warranty. Mega City Recycling and Auto parts Inc. does not assume or authorize any person to assume on its behalf any other obligation of liability. Mega City Recycling and auto Parts Inc. Will not be responsible for incidental or consequential damages arising from loss of use, loss of time, rent a car, towing, shipping cost, any labor cost. Lose of job, inconvenience, or commercial loss, or any other consequential damage or lose.
** It’s customers responsibly to inspect the parts upon delivery and make sure the parts are right one and it is in good conditions. Any damage claim after delivery will not be accepted. Painted bumper, fender, hood or any body parts will not be retuned or exchanged.
*** Mega City Recycling & Auto Parts Inc. is not responsible to any damage caused in shipping. We encourage customers to purchase shipping insurance to cover loss or damage.